Ο/η Benton Hastert έγραψε μια ενημέρωση πριν από 4 έτη, 9 μήνες
The more you appear to know about an industry, the easier it is to generate interviews. Virtually all employers look for “common ground” when hiring a new person. For example, do you have experience in or knowledge of similar product lines, distribution channels, manufacturing methods or problems in their industry? There can be other similarities. Consider the scope of operations, the role of advertising and promotion, the importance of the sales organization, the influence of labor, and other items.
People in healthcare and energy might not be interested in considering other industries, since so many good jobs are being created there. But are they missing something? And for everyone else, why would you want to limit yourself to just one industry?
If you want to be in the best possible position to move up, then you better have all the skills needed to show you can do it all. This might sound like a wild idea to some, but the trick is to know what you can do that will crossover skills wise. The more you can do, the more valuable you are to a business. Having
top professional network is not longer good enough to make it to the top, you need to do it all. So make sure you take a long look at yourself and know what you have to offer.The writing style of the biography is a third person style, and would look similar to a press release sent out about you telling news outlets of your accomplishments in helping businesses with their bottm line. The bio serves as a great way to show the scope and level of your professioanl accomplisments.
When changing industries, you also don’t want to overlook your leverage power, the added benefits you may bring by virtue of your contacts or knowledge. You may be able to bring a team with you that helped in similar situations. Despite our recent economic slowdown, new companies have sprung up throughout America. Established organizations are reexamining the way they do business. Medium-sized companies are expanding. New industries exist that are employing tens of thousands.
In addition, know that your resume and portfolio are not set in stone they way you, or a professional company, designs them. They can and should be changed to highlight the skills and abilities you have for each new opportunity set before you. On your level, the typical will smily not do. Great men and women do not get to you level be doing the standard. Make sure your transferable skills show through clearly and that your liabilities are taken care of show they are non-existent.